iMaps Security Mechanisms for Actively Managed Certificates

High Security is one of the most important aspects of our business. Here are some key facts about the security mechanisms at iMaps Capital Markets:

Two-Tier Structure for AMC Launch

iMaps Capital Markets operates a two-tier structure for the launch of an Actively Managed Certificate (AMC). We set up a Segregated Portfolio of our wholly owned subsidiary Pecunia SPC which opens an account with the broker. The investment manager gets PoA (Power of Attorney) on that brokerage account via a Delegated Investment Management Agreement to execute the trading strategy. Our own structured products Issuer - iMaps Capital Markets in Liechtenstein (Europe) issues Exchange Traded Instruments (listed AMCs) linked to that Segregated Portfolio.

EUWAX Listing

EUWAX, where we list our AMCs, is the largest exchange-based segment for securitized derivatives in Europe.

Issuer Risk Hedging

The Issuer Risk is hedged by iMaps Capital Markets. So, iMaps Capital Markets pledges enough collateral for all our open ETIs at all the time. And if we were not to pledge any collateral for an ETI, we would have to provide 200% as a capital reserve for the unhedged part. Thus, iMaps has no incentive to not be hedged and pledge all the assets 100% of the time.

Annual Audits by BDO

iMaps is Audited annually by BDO (Liechtenstein) AG.

Full Insight and Trading Rights

As described under the Two-Tier Structure, the Delegated Investment Manager (DIM) has full Insight and trading rights into all the broker accounts (for instance, Interactive Brokers) of the respective SP and thus sees where the assets are.

If you have any questions about building your own investment product, don’t hesitate to contact us.

PS: You can use the following links to easily book an e-meeting with us: (Jeffrey Alldis) or (Herbert Hakala)

iMaps Security Mechanisms