Actively Managed Certificates Compared to Fund Solutions

The typical fund distribution model looks as follows: Asset Manager -> Custodian -> Transfer Agent -> Clearing House -> Fund Platform -> Distributor -> Investors

Obviously, each intermediary requests a remuneration, which leads to complex and multiple fees layers. Moreover, you need a fund prospectus, distribution rights, and KIID (Key Investor Information Document). To set up all of this from scratch is a major consumer of resources - a multiple of our fees.

Two Options for Asset Management

1. You have this time and money and launch your own fund or …

2. You use a “One-Stop-Shop” like iMaps Capital Markets which over the course of many years has setup a solid and efficient infrastructure for investment solutions with EUR 1 to 50 million asset under management (AuM).

Cost-Effectiveness of iMaps Solutions

With an AuM of over EUR 50 million, a fund solution may no longer be unreasonable from a cost perspective. But it still would not be the best solution if you want to keep the Exchange listing with daily liquidity. Because the provision of a market maker would again be very expansive.

On the other hand, iMaps Exchange Traded Instruments are collateral secured Actively Managed Certificates with Public Distribution Rights across Europe. So, no hassle with legal work and dealing with intermediaries, as we have already done all this work for you.

PS: You can use the following links to easily book an e-meeting with us: (Jeffrey Alldis) or (Herbert Hakala)

Compared to Fund Solutions